Dating a recovering heroin addict
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Dating > Dating a recovering heroin addict
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Instead, she advises people in recovery to choose a partner they feel safe enough around to truly be themselves and whose company they enjoy. Heroin is much, much easier to come by than morphine, which is closely controlled.
But looks like you dodged a bullet there!. Are you happier with this person or without this person. Whoever wrote this article, dig a little deeper pardon the pun if you even understand why it's funny with yor research and you'll find most kids who get shoved in the care system end up abused there and come out addicts. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do that won't cause the exact opposite end result you believe to be correct. These provisos are in place to give addicts a fair shot at lasting recovery and to protect the people they might date from falling for someone who is sincere, unavailable or worse. I was as supportive a partner as there could be. Stay strong and know that total strangers love dating a recovering heroin addict, and those who don't. And if you do decide to date someone with a history of drug or alcohol use, there are a zip of signs you must watch out for in order to make sure your new partner is living up to his or her promises of sobriety. This category also gets the PIR thinking about how they were inconsiderate with their partner, how they might have been jealous or suspicious, or how they might have met on their partner. Why judge me for making mistakes in my life.
You are absolutely right in the fact that knowing every detail as the relationship gets more serious is a must. It helped us to understand his motivations and behaviors and gave her an insight into the physiological effects the gear was having on him. Thank youThe basic thing here is that you can't change people. What made you decide to start doing this?
Dating a recovering heroin addict - As the Big Book explains it, a personal inventory works much like a business inventory, similar to when a store owner sorts through his or her goods to see which are salable, which are damaged, and which have to be thrown out. I decided to stay with her and support her with this, I do love her and still do to this day.
They can get better. Let's lay that out there before going any further. Almost everyone has heard a heart-wrenching story of a loved one who got clean and managed to stay clean for an extended period of time before relapsing and, sadly, losing his or her life as a result. Addiction takes many forms, and the word is often tossed around quite lightly. True addiction comes when an individual is unable to properly function without the needed substance. While video game addicts begrudgingly take time off from gaming to attend school or go to work, heroin addicts are still snorting, smoking, or shooting their chosen substance no matter what. Do other addictions exist? Can they really compare? Any ex-smoker will tell you that the longer a person smokes, the harder it is to quit. The same principle can be applied to heroin use. This is because daily activities become ingrained into your daily life. Physical addiction aside, the brain is a powerful weapon. Feed it with a highly addictive substance, such as regular opiates, and it will turn on you, ready to devour your very psyche in an effort to get more. Most people who try heroin do so for a simple high and they achieve it, but at a cost. Once the body becomes accustomed to opiates and this occurs extremely quickly , it will revolt if the drugs stop coming. Heroin addicts must shoot, snort, or smoke even more heroin simply to feel normal. They cannot function either psychologically or physically past a certain point. The drug is so powerful, so demanding, that it strips the user of his or her sense of self. It's more powerful than self-respect, fear, pride, and the love an individual has for his or her friends, family, or children. Heroin is processed by adding acetic anhydride to simple morphine and bringing the substance to a boil. As the compounds coalesce, the raw heroin will sink. Morphine and heroin are similarly addictive substances. Believe it or not, there are quite a few Americans out there running around addicted to morphine, but most of them have jobs that allow them access to the drug. Heroin is much, much easier to come by than morphine, which is closely controlled. Drug treatment centers offer a myriad of heroin detox methods to help addicts reduce the pain of withdrawal. In reality, all bodies are different and process toxic substances in different ways. Methadone is usually the drug of choice for heroin addicts. The only problem with this method is that methadone is, in and of itself, an incredibly addicting substance. There are also other detox methods and pharmacological treatments to consider, such as opioid agonists and antagonists or rehabilitation. Just like a smoker who remembers what it's like to smoke a cigarette after abstaining for a while, the heroin user may seek out additional drugs as a way of reclaiming that high. Detoxing can bring the high back. Thus, detoxification can, in itself, provide the former heroin addict with motivation to return to the drug. No one who gets clean by force or overwhelming pressure is going to stay clean. As heart-wrenching as it is, that person has to want to rid themselves of the heroin before they can ever do so, regardless of their families' pleading. What you can do, however, is practice a bit of tough love. Some addicts need to hit rock bottom before they can begin to scramble back to the surface. Regardless of how good a parent he or she claims to be, the smallest bit of heroin left on a paper or in a syringe can and will kill a small child. First, let me state that I have never been addicted to heroin, never even tried the stuff. While researching heroin addiction, however, I found myself completely blown away by the sheer magnitude of what this drug can do to families. I have a natural narcotics immunity. The pain was regular, constant, and sometimes debilitating. I self-medicated when I could with vodka and cranberry juice—a remedy suggested by, and supplied by, my grandmother, with whom I was living at the time. I literally crawled out of my room and was rushed to the hospital. I was given large quantities of various intravenous narcotics, none of which worked. The doctor on call declared that I must be a drug addict to not respond to any pain medicine. I was in school and trying to get an education. My sister arrived later that morning. Being a nurse, she was furious that I never told her about the pain and she managed to explain to me that some people just have a natural immunity to narcotics. The only thing that worked was morphine. I thought I was dying. My heart stopped sometime later and they managed to revive me. After a second dose of morphine, however, the pain went away. I felt it go into my bloodstream like thick, hot coffee. The heat then rushed across my face and torso like a cloud and the pain was gone. I was in the hospital for a week, receiving morphine intermittently when the pain got bad. I was on a steady morphine drip. I had to remain in the hospital to give the powerful antibiotics time to take effect. The last day I opted for ibuprofen rather than morphine because I was petrified of getting hooked on it. I knew very little about addiction, but I knew enough to worry. The day after I got home, I got sick. I had no idea that I was withdrawing from the morphine. It was one of the worst feelings I can remember. I was nauseated, too lethargic to move, and, perhaps worst of all, I felt everything was pointless. My body vacillated between sweating and freezing. My terminally ill father put me on his oxygen machine, thinking it would help. I would have done just about anything to make the pain stop. None of us realized it was actually a very mild opiate withdrawal. And then it went away and I got better and moved on with my life. Considering my high tolerance for other narcotics and the very brief period of time that my body was exposed to the opiate, I can only begin to imagine what the withdrawal experience must be like for a heroin addict. Remember, heroin is more powerful than morphine. My mom one told me she had all she could take with worry, and she knew that because she was to the point she would rather bury me the go to bed one more time worrying about me. He began after his divorce of 16 yrs when he met a dancer in a club and she got him to try it. She was an addict looking for a lonely man to share her addiction and pay for hers too once she got him hooked. He got away from her and he is now since 2014 drug free! He would never go back ever! He prayed to god every day continually and the demons left! He did this without any medical help! Purr determination and faith! So to say that it is impossible to get off of heroin and recover is completely false it's up to the person where they want to be a loser or a winner. I found out March she was a full fledge alcoholic in stage 3 nose bleeds, vomiting, cirrhosis of liver , neuropathy of legs, pancreatitis inflammation who had been drinking up to half a quart of vodka a day. She weighted 123 lbs and had 2 large bruises from a beating given her age 49 by ex boyfriend, a heroin addict age 32. I offered to help get police involved , but she deleted their emails and said no. We agreed as her ex was a neighbor across the street one block over not to go there walking her dog. In March during the last snow storm she sends me a text saying I told her mother she does not eat breakfast over my house, and she wants to move away... Ends up at ex boy friend's house walking the dog. By end of the week she is sick , loses 10 lbs and I have to take her to the hospital. It was alcoholism and she went down to 110lbs. In April we had a date one Friday night and when I went to pick her up she was drawing free hand and zoned out , drunk, drugs? I left and received texts all weekend of her being sick... Monday I spent 7 hours with her admitting her into a hospital... I had my best friend, 26 years AA drive 1 hour to talk her into going to AA. She basically threw me out of the room. Her husband was granted sole custody of her two kids in neighboring state, she has 2 DWIs in that state and her 79 yr old mother drives her when she can function to spend a few days with her kids. So, in March I take her to Cabo for 1 week, on the night we get back, she goes and sees him ex boy friend heroin user... Tells me next day he wants help, has heroin needles in arm, and she is going to help him... I see no, do not get involved the following Tuesday night.... Her mother and I are looking and finding empty large bottles of Vodka and waiting to decide to wait it out, sick in bed, no hospital trip 2nd episode. In April another alcohol episode , but no hospital. I buy and give her an engagement ring and a wrist bracelet to show her my love. She rewards by putting a code lock on her cell phone and has 2 ex boyfriends calling her to get together with her late at night while we both are in my bed at night. Ex boy friend number one unhappily married, and the other , heroin user, yelling at her saying your a whore, your fucking everyone, where are you. She and I have airline tickets for Europe in July, and she drives my mother to her medical appointment with three 50 ml bottles open in her car driver door. I am angry at her and drive her home Friday. Saturday I spend 5. She stays at my house for 1 week. Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday she is nose bleeding and vomiting in my bed. I take care of her the best I can while working from home caring for my 84 yr old elderly mom, shopping, laundry, food cooking. Thursday and Friday night take her out to dinner, Saturday my cousin's cookout, and Sunday my friend's dinner for his 18 year old daughter graduating High School... She is eating now, all better, has not had alcohol for 7 days and she starts a fight Sunday and midnight and wants to go home... Her mother is away and she must have gotten texts from ex boy friends wanting to hook up.... I was to drive her Monday 3 hours round trip for me to spend a few days kids. She calls me and says my house has rugs which make her nose bleed, the curtains are drawn, she lights bright sunight, and I have a house alarm and my from is like a hotel room, so she'll stay home, and where do we stand on this. She went out to dinner with ex boy friend that Monday night whose wife and kids were away for the week.... The trip for Europe July 17, 2017 is approaching in 6 days and I realize my girlfriend is a lier, a cheater, and is in end stage Insanity alcoholism , final stage..... Her son texts me and tells me she is seeing her ex boyfriend heroin addict and he beat her bruising her both arms and elbows and back. She had lied to me saying she fell. These are the past 7 bruises I have seen on her as we slept in my bad and I hear the moans she made..... Then, Friday I have an emergency , at my family's rental building, I am property manager and seek her to come as we could spend 2 hours during the ride talking. The car is a Chevey, and she says no to going in it, says it smells. I just had the car detailed clean, and we both smoke ciggerittes, She says no, and I go on. She calls leaving a cell message saying she had legal paper work shit for me to notorize as I am to over see her 15 yr old son and his friend back from Eurpe to USA. I go out Friday to unwinded after a very bad 759 dollar major building main line plumbing bill and job that took all day Friday from 11 am until 9pm to fix. I drive to her house and left myself in , she is gone. I walk around back of her ex boy friend's parens' house. She gets up leaves bed and goes into another room. I leave and send texts to her until 3 am,no response, I go home and sleep. Go to her mom's house and she is not there. I call her mom in Europe have 300 dollars bills on all the calls I have made saying she is out of my contol due to alcoholism saying what happened and to call her to come home. At 11 am she marchs in and when asked where she was says on a match. I tell her I saw her at her ex's in his bed. She says she was on a dad with ex. I ask for my engagement ring back and leave, I go to have her cell number blocked and go home. I am so totally hurt and I cancel my ticket to Europe. Saurday night at 2 am she comes to my house drunk.... I tell her I am not going to Europe and we are done. I walk her to driveway, she gives me the finger and backs her car into my garbage can taking it into middle of the street and drives off. As her mother is away in Europe I tell her and we agree I should check in on her. Sunday I did not check her. Monday not in then in , says at AA, her car in driveway, was sleeping on couch, I had checked all rooms... Tuesday I see her. Says she fell watering out door desert plants at 4 am Saturday night... I take her to medical clinic she has a concussion. She had a 1. She coudn't make the trip, her mom was out there waiting for her in her home there. Her daughter, son, his friend and I do not go.... She is now the victim from a fall. It was in my thoughts another visit to the 32 year old ex boy friend heroin addict who she tells her mother has stopped using and is going to a clinic.... My 5 and half months dating an out of contol alcoholic.... In our last phone conversation, she asks if I love her? You have ensured that if they do not kill themselves immediately they'll it soon enough because they've lost their reason to live and no you didn't save your grandchild you destroyed their family and increased their chances of being addict. Theyre addicts not idiots, by your logic should we take the kids of morpine patients, and people with bleach and paint. Kids could eat that and die too you know. It almost never happens but when it does its national news. Ask a child of a heroin addict if they would have preferred foster care and the system? Better take alcoholics children cause they might drink and drive too. If you love them all just be valuable and supportive and chances are they will quit or use moderately. Opiate withdrawal is extremely unpleasant but quite safe. I've had 3 hip replacements, 2 total dislocations all the way to my butt check, and they tore the Meniscus in my knee putting me back together. I also suffer from diabetic neuropathy so you can imagine what kind of damage the 2 dislocations done. The way they're going about this is KILLING US FOLKS who suffer from CHRONIC PAIN!!! You cannot die from heroin withdrawal. You can die from dehydration and you can die from choking on your vomit in your sleep. It die from not having heroin is not possible unless you do what you feel like doing and that is kill yourself. Also the title saying someone can't fully recover is bullshit and a slap to the face of anyone that has put in the work and humbled themselves long enough to resign from the position of general manager of the universe. I know this cause I am a recovered heroin addict. The key is having a strong will and the want to recover. Thing is as a human we can do anything we want to and will do nothing we really don't want to do. I look into my mirror every day and have for over 20 years now and remind myself where I was and where I do not want to be again. I quit cold turkey more than 20 years ago and I have looked back every day for more than 20 years as a reminder of the nasty person I was and the nasty person I no longer want to be. So to all those wandering it is possible but we as addicts need tough love. If there is no one in our life willing to give that tough love and no handouts, which are just enablers to the addictions we may just be stuck. I had both and I am here today to tell all that it works if you let it. Therefor to all those trying to help a heroin addict you need to know when to let go or it will harm you as well as the addict in question..... We talked and hung out consistently and we both started having feeling for each other. We talked about EVERYTHING in the world and beyond.. I had never met someone so beautiful in so many ways. I found out he had been doing heroin again while we had been talking and it really freaked me out. I confronted him about it and we talked about how I could not see it continuing any further because it scared me so much. I was straight forward with him about how scary it was for him to be doing that and that it was going to ruin his life. Yesterday five days later he overdosed. He texted me a few hours before about how he missed me.... I truly see my love for him and the timing could not be more upsetting to me. We had stayed in touch and my gravitation towards him never wavered. I will miss him so terribly and I am finding it hard to not feel like I played a role in him doing so much and overdosing... I know I should not feel this way but the world lost an incredible person. When I told him I was scared of him doing heroin he said it scared himself... How am I going to move forward from this? I am at a loss. Thanks and everyone look out for each other.. You can only die from withdrawing from sedatives and hypnotics like alcohol, benzos, barbiturates, and some other downers.... And where is all the concern about other opiates? There are tons of people, a lof of them in regions of the country where heroin is practically non-existent, that exclusively abuse pharmaceuticals. A lot of these drugs are a lot more powerful than heroin and cheaper if one has a prescription. Main issue with heroin is that it can sometimes be unclean and the potency varies a ton... I had been addicted to heroin for a few years, but somehow never brought myself to shoot up.... Number one thing that kills needle users is them being clean for awhile, relapsing, and going out and doing as much as they did before.... This needs to be clear to addicts reading this.... I think this is also why methadone and suboxone is prescribed so much.... Hate methadone because it has so many bad drug interactions especially SSRIs and actually kills a lot of people still. Suboxone is overperscribed but it does have its place with a lot of the people that take i t.... And a lot of people do recover.... There are plenty of places you could move to, even within the U. I cant tell you why they do this, for i have been asking them this question for the past 5 years. What made you decide to start doing this? As for calling social services, that really rubbed me the wrong way because they took me and my little brother from the only family we ever knew and placed us with strangers. It broke us more than it broke her because never once did she quit or try. In and out of prison for years, promising she would be clean when she came home, only to fuck up 3 days later. Ive seen her tell me to my face that she was clean and then get high in the other room. Addicts have a one track mind when they are using, find dope, get dope, use dope. I really wish that heroin addicts, or any drug user for that matter, would sit back and fully understand how drug addiction affects children and families. We watch our mothers and fathers or uncles and aunts, kill themselves slowly and there is NOTHING we can do.. We take the risk of knowing there is a possibility that they might not be here tomorrow. I would like to share with you though, that actually, Heroin Addicts DO Recover. They have to first realize, though that it is possible, and they have to have the desire. To say that a heroin addict does not recover would be a false statement. But I appreciate reading the opinions of people who have never been addicted to it, and how they perceive it. Maybe it is those kinds of popular opinions that motivate people like myself to work harder at recovering so that I can be one of the miracles who can prove you all wrong! And I mean that with all due respect. I didn't know she was in recovery. Anyways, we planned marriage and kids. Right before she got pregnant I found about her past and that she was on methadone. I decided to stay with her and support her with this, I do love her and still do to this day. But shortly after her getting good pregnant, which was planned, she relapsed, left the house and never came back. I had spoken to her a few times where she wanted to have an abortion because she didn't want C'S involved she has a 7 year old daughter and take her children. To make a long story short, because she could not escape using drugs she aborted our child 15 weeks into the pregnacy. I haven't seen her in 6 months and neither has our mutual friends. I just hope and pray she is okay. I've never done drugs and I believe that I was a positive support person for her until she relapsed for some reason. This drug will make a person leave their kids, family, and all things that are good for them. I am getting to the point in my life where i am wanting to have kids but I would feel so selfish to have kids with someone and put my kid in the same up and down yo-yo position that i am right now. I don't know whether to give up or keep trying.. Also hearing stats like 95% of addicts will OD makes it seem inevitable and makes me want to just spend as much time as i can before it does and makes leaving seem so much harder. If anyone has been in this position please help with advice anything. Why do people make such an effort? Heroin allows you to feel like you have accomplished all your life's dreams, goals, and desires, and more, in an instant. The first time I injected heroin, I cried because I was experiencing the best feeling I will probably ever feel in my life. How did I get to that point? I had a ton of personal problems, and I never thought I would accomplish anything in life, so I figured why the hell not at least feel good about myself for a little while. It was a pretty logical decision. I was wrong in thinking I could never accomplish anything in life or be a productive member of society, though. Either you wont read it cause your ignorant ass already went blind or you just think your so much better than everyone else. And guess what now I feel no pity at all. I want to state that every addict was at once also an innocent body. If you have never dealt with an addict than you truly don't understand what its like. They WANT help and Still sometimes cant beat the disease. That's what it is and that is how it should be treated. I do not want pity for my story but want to inform people on this horrible disease. I am 19 and a normal functioning college student. Normal meaning a girl who just lost her brother to this disease a year ago. My brother had a child and a life before this disease took over. He was that guy everyone wanted to date cause he would do anything for the people he loved. This is until heroin took over. He lost his sanity and did things no one would be proud of but never once would I say that he is worthless. You really need to research some more and maybe find out that you are not just hurting the addicts out there but the families by your harsh words. We lived through this Hell and one thing I have learned is that everyone is worth it. Every person has a story. Some worse than others. I personally think death is a lot worse than being blind. I would go blind to have my brother back. As Im sure many other people would do for their loved ones. Just please stop being so ignorant and selfish and learn more before you open your big mouth. There is hope everyone. Even though I lost my loved one to this disease doesn't mean you will. Don't give up and tell your loved one how much they are loved daily. That is one thing that cant hurt, is being told you are loved. Be strong but remember that they are struggling and yes boundaries need to be made but they must know people still love them they are human just like you and you know how nice it is to be told you are loved. You can get that person back. DON'T GIVE UP ON THEM. Hope this helped at least one person. I have seen it all, watched my son get sick, anger white as a ghost, brought him to emergency room for blood poison from needles. I had no clue, heard a lot, so to really understand I googled, graphic heroin addict videos!! Heroin produces the best feeling anyone could experience but it also produces the worst. Having travelled the whole journey from the highs to the lows I know the highs are short lived and outweighed by the lows. Sooner or later you get fed up of the lows. I know I won't go back to it. So a heroin addict can recover, and it doesn't take a lifetime. There's no effort out forth to be addicted that's so ridiculous Being branded a junkie and watching you destroy everyone around you sucks understatement. I'm in the process of kicking and I've relapsed 3 times in the past two weeks. But I'm learning from it, that's all you can do. People don't wake up one day and decide they want to be a heroin addict. It wrecks your life. And I don't believe you have to hit rock bottom to change. You live at rock bottom, sometimes for years until something happens that gives you hope. You can't let that moment pass by. It's will power, support and a whole lot of preparation. Plan on the apocalypse when you kick and then you'll be prepared for the worst or hopefully be pleasantly surprised. Very spot on article. As a heroin addict you find yourself in the weirdest and worst situations daily. Contorting your body for hours to find a vein. You don't think about it cuz you need to get right. Everything's justified and normal after a short time. It's pathetic but I don't believe there's a single addict that's past a point of no return. Help is hard to find, it disturbed me how many places and doctors I had to call just to get denied. No one knows the side of them they find when addicted to heroin and can't imagine there's anything else to them after a while. But there's always hope and seriously best of luck to anyone who's still struggling. You owe it to yourself, your families and the people you've lost to get clean. Quitting today will be easier than quitting tomorrow. And if you've never tried dope, don't. You may never understand it but it would be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. But what amzes me that it really takes a conserted effort to get addicted to heroine, I am told. You have to use it at least half a year on a daily basis to get fully hooked. Why do people make such an effort? I am addicted to cigarettes, but they are addicted after a few days and I was only 12, so oblivious. I can't understand grown up people who use it every day for half a year and then not think, well, am I not trying to solve something that should be solved otherwise? But to the parents of an addict. You must first learn YOU ARE POWERLESS OVER YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS ADDICTION 1 Next to the addicts who are trying to recover and may have relapsed don't quit trying, never ever quit. Yes take one minute, then a half hour, then 1 hour then 2 hours and so on until you got your first 24 hours 1 day clean and from there it will be like riding a bike. Find a higher power in your life to put your feelings up to and willingly hand over any negative thoughts or intensions over to that higher power let go of it all. Call your sponsors if yu don't have one go to a meeting and get one or two! Try to remember back in your life when something great happened and yes maybe some of you have nothing great that you can remember then for you think of something great you always wantd to happen then chase that dream and make it happen. And the parents of the addicts stop enabling your child or loved one to use you, you must let them make the same choice to stay clean and out of trouble as they chose to use. Knowone forced your child to do drugs, are we on the same page? This was a choice and once they were hooked they lost control, but YES anyone can choose to take back their control over any drug or situation. Find another addiction like church, vol at a shelter, or a pet rescue find a place you are needed on a daily basis and you will then find yourslef! My daughter is an addict sometimes recovering and other times an active addict, but all in all she is my daughter, she has to take the lumps and bumps along the way, if its jail then its jail if its church then its church, it is her choice. To get clean you have to want it more then you want the next high. Thos of you main lining, its not the end not at all. You too can find a way if you so choose too. God Bless all of you both the addict and the people who love them. Never give up on anyone!! Never enable them either, don't make it so easy as a parent to help your child use by giving them money ect... I love you always but the choice is yours get help and fight or leave and I will miss you but always love you! That's tough love and hell yea it hurts, but you you have a better chance of getting that loved one back if you let them go! They will find their way either back to you or they will find their way HOME with their higher power that was always their waiitng for them to call upon him. He used everything to deal with the real issue of addiction, personal pain. I was involved with a wonderful guy for 6 months before his family told me about his Heroin addiction. It was a 5 year roller coaster ride. I've known many people who use that have died, lost their children,killed others not using a lock box andI have volunteered at a local agency making safe kits for addicts. It was my own experience during Chemo and Radiation that taught me what a struggle it can be stopping a pain killer. I got sick,very irritable and life sucked. I learned respect for that struggle. Every addict I've ever met has a dark hole in them that they try to fill instead of dealing with the hole itself. I do know people who beat their addiction with drugs and whole families that are addicts. There is a lot of shame involved with any kind of addiction. I have known people who shot a gram a day of tar for 1yr+ and quit through sheer will-power, even though they had money in the bank and numbers in their phone... Personally when i quit h, it was a living nightmare. My family also did a great job of teaching me from a young age the value of integrity, morals, and restraint. It took all my everything to pull myself out. This time i am confident i can kick it. All in all if you fail at quiting keep trying, try, try, try. If you get info and good recources and mentally train yourself you can overcome it, just keep trying and give quiting everything you have. Several times I experimented with different opiates and just could not figure out what there is to it. I just flushed the remains of a bag of H through the toilet, and that's the end of my experiments. In some regards I consider myself lucky to not know what it should feel like paradoxically. You can never undo that knowledge, which will make it a choice for the rest of your life. I don't look down upon any of you who are in dire straits, as it is probably the same curiosity as mine that started it all. I wish you all the best. I kicked two months ago and was clean for 27 days and now im back on this crap im so mad at myself but I dnt feel norma without it. I cant function the way I can wen im using. I snort it not shoot or smoke it wen I first kicked I was snorting over 2 grams a day everyday for a year now I am down to only about a 20 bag a day I want to stop I noe its not right ive lost so much weight and I want to be around to watch my children grow up. But the feeling of no energy useless aches pains not being able to sleep and no patience is unbarrible. I get chronic migraines and stiff neck all the time I was on norco 10mg and then I got my tollerence up and started taking oxycotten morphine ect. Then I turned to this crap. Im disguested with myself and so disappointed. Plse somebody does it get better as u stay clean. Does ur mind stop thinking about gettin high every sec of everyday the longer u stay off the crap. I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man called ayokospellcaster gmail. He is really powerful.. My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. SO WHEN I MET THIS SPELL CASTER, I TOLD HIM WHAT HAPPENED AND EXPLAINED THE SITUATION OF THINGS TO HIM.. AT FIRST I WAS UNDECIDED,SKEPTICAL AND DOUBTFUL, BUT I JUST GAVE IT A TRY. AND IN 7 DAYS WHEN I RETURNED TO USA, MY GIRLFRIEND NOW WIFE CALLED ME BY HERSELF AND CAME TO ME APOLOGIZING THAT EVERYTHING HAD BEEN SETTLED WITH HIS MOM AND FAMILY AND SHE GOT A NEW JOB INTERVIEW SO WE SHOULD GET MARRIED.. IN CASE ANYONE NEEDS THE SPELL CASTER FOR SOME HELP, HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS;ayokospellcaster gmail. I was an IV heroin addict for 10 years. I quit and so can anyone else who is addicted to opiates. Today, I'm a Licensed Counselor and I help others with their recovery. I have 10 years clean from the needle and 7 years clean from methadone and all other substances. I know what it takes to get better and I can help others. It takes a lot of hard work but it's much better than the alternative... You can find me at www. I know the lie that an addict can never get and stay clean... BUT that is a tired ole lie. I started with the typical alcohol and weed in my early teens, went to benzos and other pills, then found heroin and crack. I gave everything I love up, you see I did not loose it I gave it away, I hit many bottoms only to find a trap door to hit anthor bottom. I found this simple program years and years ago but I found it with the help of parents,children,probation officers,courts.... Any addict who does not WANT to stop will not stop no matter what. There is a solution to our problems and I found it!!!! It's 12 simple steps.... One day at a time,a desire,and other recovering addicts. He pled drug addict and got out on probation. He went to a 6month rehab and they had him on methadone. Then they took him off and he was clean. That was when i met him. He told me from the beginning he did heroin but he said he was done with it now. At the time i knew heroin was a really bad drug but i underestimated the power of the addiction and i believed him when he said he was done with it. We became friends for a while and eventually got together and he was still clean. He then for some reason relasped im guessing because he lives with his dad out in the middle of no where and where his dad works is a neighborhood in west Chicago where selling heroin is dominant. The temptation was there so he would get it when he worked with his dad so on the days he was home all alone for hours with no food and no human contact but when he texted me it got bad. I couldn't always see him because he lives an hour n 30mins away from me. I have school and work and driving like that would be a chore. He didn't have a car or lisence because he was in jail and just got out of rehab when i met him he was saving money working for his dad. Anyway once it got real bad I threatened to break up with him and he had his dad check him into rehab the very next day. They put him on a drug called suboxone. It blocks the heroin high effects and it blocks the crave for it but it doesn't get you high. But he was still home alone all the time so his dad is on aderrall and my bf would steal some from his dad to play xbox and be super focused... I must say i think ive lost hope... I get the feeling this cycle will never end and its pointless to have hope... The sad part is when he was little his uncle that he was really closed to was a heroin addict.. First let me say I'm on day 8 of sobriety from a 6 month binge on h, snorting was my method. Detoxing on my own. Spent 30,000 on it from August-jan. Let me say getting off the subs was 20x's harder than this. I was sick for 24 days solid. Getting off the real shit is way easier, last night I slept 7 hrs, first good night of sleep but after only a week I'm really happy! I don't have bad urges awake, not yet, but have had opiate dreams the last 2 nights. I'm really determined to leave it behind for good this time, have a great gf and 1 yr old daughter, and I would never forgive myself of I wasn't there for her growing up. Love from them went a long way for me. My beautiful, talented, troubled daughter has been battling heroin addiction for the past four years. It is has affected all who know and love her, one way or another and, as her mother, it continues to break my heart and it WAS my obsession. She had been in and out of rehabs and halfway houses and, following a period of almost 6 months of sobriety, had relapsed. It has saved my sanity and brought amazing insights that allow me to live my life peacefully and even happily whether or not she is using. It doesn't cure the grief but it has helped me live a full and satisfying life in spite of the loss. I finally understand what so many alcoholics and addicts already know: We cannot control or cure another's addiction. What I CAN do is continue to love her, provide moral support in her efforts towards sobriety and pray that she finds her way back to the beautiful life I believe awaits her on the other side of addiction. If you have a parent, child, partner or loved one who abuses drugs or alcohol, please don't underestimate the toll it is taking on your sanity. This insidious disease spreads to everyone in the family and gets us behaving like crazy people as we meddle, manipulate and martyr ourselves. Al-Anon and Nar-Anon meetings are free and worldwide. My experience has been if you go to a few meetings, bring an open mind and just listen, you will find answers that can lead to peace, acceptance and even joy. I agree that there are many paths to sobriety and there may be many paths living a fulfilled life around a loved one's addiction. This has been the road that worked for me. Courage to all that are battling addiction, whether it is your own or a loved one's. After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted you and after I explained you my problem. In just 24hours, my husband came back to us and show me and my kids much love and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before Dr omon you are the best spell caster i really appreciate the love spell you casted for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work Thank you once again Dr omon at ighospelltemple yahoo. I want to share my testimony with all of you. Dr booma gave me the possibility to start my new and happy life with Michael. The commitment and Marriage spells worked beyond my imagination. We had the most beautiful wedding and I was in the seventh heaven from happiness. I am sure that this feeling will be with us during whole our life and will never leave us. Please my friends if you need the help of this man just contact him true email boomaspiritualtemple yahoo. I never believe in spells and magic until I experienced one sometime s ago and it really worked for me. I was in love with this guy and he is in love with me too for 3years and we making preparations to get married but to my surprise,his parents didn't want his hand in the marriage cos of the religion difference. I was about loosing my man to another lady under the influence of his parents until I met a spell caster on net that claimed he can help me out. He helped me cast a very strong spell that helped change his parents mind and i noticed also that my man love for me has greatly increased. We are happily married now with kids. People with similar problems can contact the spell caster on his contact email helptemple yahoo. What started out as a prescription from a doctor for oxycodone for back pain quickly became an addiction. Shawn started doctor shopping and then when he stole a doctors prescription pad and was arrested for forging prescriptions he turned to heroin because it was cheaper and easier to get. We sent Shawn to an inpatient rehab facility where for the 45 days that he was in there we were at peace. I actually felt euphoric knowing where he was and that he was finally getting the help he needed. I git my beautiful son back fir those 45 days. The son who was everybody's brother, everybody's best friend, everybody's first love, everybody's soulmate. Shawn needed more than 45 days of rehab but insurance wouldn't cover any more time so they released him. Three days later my son Nicky, Shawn's older brother, found Shawn unresponsive on the kitchen floor. It was the day of Nicky's 24th birthday. Shawn had died of a heroin overdose. Heroin is a terrible drug. It does change a persons moral compass. My Shawn was robbed of his true self by this terrible drug. He stole everything from his friends and family, he became a pathological liar who couldn't be trusted. We tried desperately to help him but no one could be around him because he was selling our laptops, our tvs, stealing money, credit cards and everything else. Heroin changed who he was. It changes a persons brain chemistry. I was elated to have my Shawn back for those 45 days he was heroin free. I know that nobody forced him to put a needle back into his arm but addiction is more powerful than any of us can understand. My heart breaks not only for my beautiful son and the fact that he didn't get to live and enjoy his full life, but it breaks for all of the young kids and families who are tragically torn apart by this demon. I had ACL reconstruction, and was prescribed percocet during recovery. I took the meds as prescribed. Shortly after rehab for my knee, I was taken off the pills. The combination of lack sof meetings, and the obsession of wanting more pain killers led me to relapse. Two months after relapsing, I tried heroin for the first time ever. It's now 14 months later, and I've been clean 22 days. I've destroyed every relationship in the past 6 months. I lost my job, friends, family relations. I only IV'ed for 3 months. The needle itself has become an addiction. I would shoot water into my veins if I was without heroin. I stole,lied,cheated every day of my use. I certainly wasn't raised this way. Heroin is the devil, as I obsess daily for just one more shot. My addiction wants me dead, but will settle for me high. I'm fighting for my life, and it scares the shit out of me. Heroin IV users die,period... I have had COUNTLESS friends die from this terrible drug. I know I'd be right there with them if I decide to use again. Don't ever give up hope on a loved one with this deplorable disease. As long as they are breathing there is still hope. I am 24 yrs old been using herion for over a year Iv user. In high school I started doing pain pillsa after knee surgery. I have suffered from depression but never wanted to admit it. When I was 18 I got shot 4 times driving home from friends house. It has ruined my life. I have PTSD from it and really bad anxiety. I started off with going back to pain pills and then started trying every drug I could get my hands on. Now after 4 years of that my friend tried herion and soon got me to try it. Biggest mistake of my life. I feel so ashamed my brother has been addict all my life. I have seen first hand how to ruined my family. I hate my brother growing up and now I feel like I am putting my family through more than he did. Because I should've learned from him. I say am going to quit then something bad happens and I use it as excuse to get high. I really don't want to struggle with this my whole life. It sucks I feel like they don't want to help me. I go doctor to get anxiet mecdine but then they won't put me on stuff that works because I am drug addict. It's so stupid why won't they help me?? All they do is judge me and treat me like I am not even a person. It's like if I didn't tell them I was drug addict they wouldn't even know. Why judge me for making mistakes in my life. I wonder if I would've never got shot would I have turned to herion?? If there's is anybody that knows of places that help with out judging you. I really do want to stop! I want my relationship with my family back. I am sick of hurting them. I always thought I could just hurt myself and nobody would notice I was wrong. Thanks for posting it has made me think so much more about my addiction! It has touched the lives of many people I know. All middle class college bound that can't find there way back. It all started with percocets and it became cheaper to buy heroin. I have watched children born to the addiction, steeling, lying, violence, child abuse all behind these drugs. We have the money to afford top rehab programs and paid over 200. Problem top dollar, and still no recovery. The recovery is fine as long as they stay on Suboxone or Methodone for the rest of their lives but we cant afford to support a legal drug habit. This is the solution for all programs they check them in give them drugs and when the drugs stop they leave. The the methadone program was just great they sold them and suboxone on the streets for heroin. The babies all have problems and we cant take one more child but they keep on having them. The social workers don't care, drug rehabs making money, pharmacutical companies making money, doctors getting kickbacks and after all this time and money they wont be the ones who will have to pay for the funerals. These drugs are out of control and the solution is hope they can keep a job to pay for the same drug made by a pharmacutical company instead of a drug dealer. Who is getting that kickback. I also was addicted to heroine, I started using oxycodone for about a year and there was a bust and they became hard to find.. I was addicted to heroine for almost 2 years, It doesn't sound like a long time with opiate addiction, 3 years total. However, it started when I was 17 years old.. I am now 21 and have been clean for over a year. I never realized how much I had changed until I got clean.. Its almost like having two people fighting inside one body and the bad one is the one who always wins. Horrible drug, horrible addiction. When we met he was in the process of getting clean but little by little I saw him fall apart. I had never seen him use the drug in front of my eyes therefore I was still in disbelief that he was a heroin addict. When he couldn't take it no more he would get mad.. The next day he ll act like nothing ever happened! He blame his family and other factor even himself but never the drug. The day after I left him I went to his house to pick up my belongings and he was in handcuffs. He had thr whole police department at his house he treaten to hurt himself or his dad. I was like no way this isn't true his not that person. And he wasn't atleast mentally he had smoked heroin before things got out of control. The sheriff ask me if I did drus if I will help him get his drugs. I change everythig because I really don't want to see him. I do hate him and hate myself for being in this situation. I can't hold his hand no more it's to painful for me. I know it's been a while. I apologize to get back with you so late. Do you remember me telling you that me and my sister wanted a love spell and beauty spell done. I chose you and my sister chose another psychic. Well to update you I been attracting more men than I can count with that love and beauty spells you castled. But, my sister is so jealous, because it's been 5 months now and no results for her and the other psychic or spell caster she chose didn't help her. I told her to have you to help her. Well hopefully this time she will listen to me. I'm living proof that your spells work! Did the usually things like, stealing, jails, then prison, hospitals, homeless, being sick from withdrawals, programs, and in 1998 I got on methadone and still on it to this day. I meet a woman a heroin addict too we end up having two kids and I am not on their birth certificates. We go to church as a family and doing worse then most but better then some. I am a winner and you can be one too. With or with out methadone we heroin addicts can make it. Don't let no one tell you different. There is life after heroin. That spirit is controlling everything. It has to be casted out by an anointed deliverance team who have been covered in the blood of Jesus. I pray for you. The blood of Jesus is against you. I command you loose them right now. In Jesus name We pray. That spirit is controlling everything. It has to be casted out by an anointed deliverance team who have been covered in the blood of Jesus. I pray for you. The blood of Jesus is against you. I command you loose them right now. In Jesus name We pray. I haven't truly found my cure yet, but to be honest is there a cure? Watch Basketball Diaries - he's right. But I can tell you 2 things: 1. The withdrawal from these isn't as bad when tapered off but lasts longer wich is an alternate hell. Clonidine actually helps repair your brain, look it up. Staying clean is a simple matter of willpower. As is a persons choice to either kick H or kick in somebody's door and rob them which I thought about but could never do, I would just be sick until I figured something out... I was an alcoholic for 3 years of my 5 year cocaine addiction and quit both cold turkey to better myself at 20 years old for 2 years until I found pills and eventually heroin. What I am saying; that I am probably the fastest person to give up on a good day. I feel depressed, tired, restless, and moody on a normal day so how do you think I am able to survive 30 days of feeling like shit, sneezing all the time, cold sweats, crippling weakness, unfathomable depression and knowing it would all go away if...... I believe in God, though im not a good christian I haven't been to a single meeting I'm 25 now and I simply want to be sober MORE THAN I want to go back. Clean for 25 years. Cold turkey and a geographical change is the only way to go in my opinion. Find yourself a dedicated family member or a sponsor, live with them, spend a week in bed kicking, and don't leave the house for any reason without taking that person with you for 3 months. Cut ties with all your old friends forever and never, ever spend a minute with anyone that does any kind of drugs. For all the long term heroin addicts out there... Then it becomes second nature. If I can do it, you can do it. Also if i'm actually taking the stuff i'm surely allowed to have an opinion on it? It's just such a bizarre concept to have someone who is addicted to opiates, then take a completely different synthetic opiate every day in the hope they may cut down their use... That's why moving to a different place, though it doesn't always work, helps... I don't reckon I'd have stayed clean so long if I hadn't moved away... Just the article is misleading and states detox can kill: relapse after detox can kill. Have you heard, there's a program where they're prescribing supervised IV diamorphine slow reduction to chronic addicts who have failed all other programs, google it, they've been doing trials in London, Brighton and some other place, and guess what: It WORKS doh! They didn't need to do research to work that one out And I agree, legalisation would end the dodgy gear... Check it out though, ask about it... I strongly agree with the comment someone wrote about calling social services on heroin addicts being like giving them a death sentence. Whoever wrote this article, dig a little deeper pardon the pun if you even understand why it's funny with yor research and you'll find most kids who get shoved in the care system end up abused there and come out addicts. Yeah, Judges, doctors, surgeons, lawyers, university lecturers amongst others use gear in secret... When you're addicted it ain't about morals. NA ain't for everyone. I've relapsed before and blamed NA, seriously. But it can work if you meet the right people who genuinely want to help and not the using addicts scheming to score outside, which does occasionaly happen.... You constantly hear of tragic circumstances where someone tries so hard to get clean, does rehab... But any underlying undiagnosed health conditions that you never realised you had MIGHT. I was a chronic IV heroin addict and I've not touched it coming up to 11 years next month. We CAN and DO recover, OKAY? Some are not so lucky. I detoxed multiple times, relapsed multiple times, but after two overdoses and some really bad gear someone helped me detox in their home with lofexidine, buscopan, diazepam, temazepam, loperamide and I can't remember what else. I couldn't have done it without the medication or the help and support from someone who believed in me when I didn't believe or trust or love, even like myself. Despite the medication, it was the hardest detox I ever did. I was also lucky insomuch as I didn't have any children. Many of my using friends did and that made it that much harder for them. Some made it, some didn't, some are clean today some are still using, some died. When I was using I was blind and deaf to people's help, to NA. Like many, relapsed straight out of rehab. The Post Acute Withdrawl Syndrome is very real, and it can last years. After nearly 11 years heroin free I can hoestly say that there have been times I've been happy to be clean, times I've struggled and times of intense craving which tends to happen when life gets tough. I can't say I'll never relapse, but I can't say I will. I'm just doing the best I can and doing my best to avoid alcohol because I always substituted that and the detox from that is worse than heroin: that, and benzo detox can kill you, not heroin detox, which just feels lke you're dying. When I did my rattle, the last time, I was pissing blood from infection I never knew I'd been anaesthetising. I would have died if I'd kept using. All of you still out there, I wish you find the support you need. YOU CAN DO IT. Plenty people might have given up on you but I ain't, and there are loads out there who believe in you. Love to you all. I have been on first suboxone but now methadone for a year but I only changed so I can use on top. This article is portraying that there is no hope for recovery, well I think the statistics of rehabs everywhere suck so maybe we should legalize it. I went into detox 9 days ago and was there for 3 full days. I'm lucky my parents bailed me out because I should be there right now. Oh, and the whole reason I'm on probation is because I got caught stealing scrap metal for heroin 6 months ago when I started. So basically I've been clean for 9 days. I'm feeling a little weird, the physical withdrawals are gone except for the restless leg when i try to sleep. I also CANNOT stop thinking about doing dope again, it's like i'm 14 again but instead of thinking about sex all the time i think about shooting dope. I feel like I've lost a best friend heroin , but in reality it is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. The only reason I don't go and get a bag right now I still have a job and money is because I know my PO will piss test me and if i fail i will go to jail. BTW, doing methadone or suboxone WILL NOT HELP YOU AT ALL! When you run out of those, you will go right back to using. So a little advice to those whose loved one is doing heroin - make sure they go to a detox program that does not use methadone or suboxone; these are only SUBSTITUTES to the heroin. They gave me some kind of blood pressure pill and some tramadol when i went and it was painless. I just want to stress the importance of not replacing an opiate with another opiate. Sure, I feel pretty fucked all around, but I can truly say that I'm %100 opiate free. However, I cannot say how long this will last... All caused by the drug. The children are struggling not only because they have lost their mother who they loved dearly but because it was advodiable , it's not like cancer that no one chooses to have. YOU have a choice. It is a long hard process but you just need to determine what is more important. I quit cold turkey after using for 10 years.... I stayed in my boyfriends now husband house for three months. Did not talk to anyone that used with and I cut ties with everyone I knew. On the 16th of this month I have been clean for two and a half years with no relapse and no real desire to go back. I have had the chance to get heroin throughout and I just looked at pictures of my stepson and husband and I don't want to ever loose them. I never stole or prostituted to get my fix. I was one of the few that would work through withdrawals to get money to then go get my fix. Life is what you make it and your desire has to be strong. It truly is a mind over matter experience. Cold turkey is truly the way to go. If you don't do that then you are replacing one addiction for another one that is legal. My advice is simple but hard - change everything that you can. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So if you keep trying and things are not working change something. Try is to fail. Just do what you need to do. And do it for you. The 2nd detox is why im not on methadone anymore,that was a 3wk detox but again i walked after 2wks but there was mitigating reasons for that. So anyone thinking of going on Britlofex take this into consideration,there,s pro,s and cons to all things. So it,s either take the edge off of withdrawals a bit but feel foggy,weak and at risk of going face first into the floor or don't take the britlofex and feel the symptoms to the fullest extent!!! I,m also Anti methadone,the Dr,s don't tell you that the methadone is just as addictive as the Heroin and the Methadone withdrawals are worse and last at least 4 times as long,for some ppl maybe not but my experience and every other addict i know agrees on this. Anyway sorry for babbling on again just trying to get some info out there from experience i,ve had over 16yrs. Im pretty sure if u asked for support us terrible disease ridden addicts would help,don,t tar everyone with the same brush. Anyway i,ve been shooting Heroin since i was 14yo and im now 30,so i,ve given the best years of my life to a powder. Login This is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. Akismet This is used to detect comment spam. HubPages Google Analytics This is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. HubPages Traffic Pixel This is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. Amazon Web Services This is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service. 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